Saturday, October 4, 2014

8:30pm 2 keys and 2 doors

delusional but complete

open windows and theres the northen sky

of shoes

off shirt

off pants

off yellow-black socks

Darren closed his eyes and started to smell his left shoulder. 

it still lingers 

then sigh

the most unforgettable moment last night is the parted ways of his two fingers to her two fingers

kisses are for babies
lollipops are for teenies


then stop

then imagine 

then sing 

its nothin 


and no expectation

thats for the better

long noodles for a life

Darren bids his goodbye to the thought of self imagination  of uncertain things of 67% no fact expectation

Snowman and his little cloud of happiness

open his eyes

get his towel

open the door 

open the door


washes away the last 33% of uncertain no fact expectation

and  rebooted to ZERO

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